Should other household pets come to the euthanasia appointment?

FAQ: Should other household pets come to the euthanasia appointment ❓

If your pet’s housemate is calm, you may want to bring them along. Many dogs and cats suffer some level of grief when they lose a friend, so allowing them to be present and to sniff the deceased pet after euthanasia may provide closure. Your other pet will also provide much-needed company for you and your family. 💙


Ark Angel Vet - Dr Patrick - Veterinarian

Dr Patrick is caring and compassionate veterinarian with 40 years of experience focusing on pet euthanasia in Perth and surrounds. His top priority is the comfort and well-being of you and your pets

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For more information and bookings call Dr Patrick (Veterinarian) – Perth’s professional and compassionate At-Home Perth Pet Euthanasia Services – on 0408 915 550

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