At Home Pet Euthanasia In Loving Memory
Remembering the pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge and the paw prints they’ve forever left on our hearts.

July 2024

He was born on 1/5/2012 & went to sleep on 27/01/24.
He came into our lives aged 3 years 3 months.
We had previously owned 3 German Shepherds prior to him & whilst they were all lovable in their own way, Kennedy was special, very special.
He was big framed, 46kg & had big paws & a beautiful long tail. We sometime called him “Paws”.
He was super intelligent very gentle & had many memorable mannerisms, like the right paw proffered as a “Thank You” or the gentle lick whilst being loved & cuddled
He had penetrating big brown eyes that watched us constantly. He was not just a house dog, Kennedy was our fur child & understood everything we said. We were able to talk to him conversationally.
He was a joy & a wonderful companion. We loved him dearly & he loved us in return. He will be in our hearts as long as we live.
We are totally devastated at losing him, but it became inevitable because of the extreme pain he was enduring. Dr Patrick was wonderful in gently relieving him of that pain & his dignified exit from this world.
Goodbye Kennedy sleep well in doggy heaven our beautiful treasured companion.
Margot & Ron
January 2024

I can not thank you enough for today. You gave Boris the most beautiful send off and to know we were able to take his suffering away and allow him to peacefully go to sleep meant so much for us and him and will help with the grieving process.
Boris was one of kind dog he brought our family so much love laughter and many memories we will always cherish.
We miss him so much and the tears have been flowing all day we have been sharing stories and finding our selves laughing through the pain and tears.
The kids are ok the grief is coming in waves but they got to see him look so peaceful and beautiful with his flowers.
Thank you again your amazing and caring we couldn’t have asked for a better send off.
We will always remember Boris’s passing as a beautiful send off he deserved.🐾🐾🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
From Shian & Family,
July 2024

Chloe Skye
Chloe Skye 21/8/2008 – 22/7/2023 Beautiful Girl
We say goodbye to you today our courageous girl, 14 yrs and 11 months of joy you have given us, always happy, always fighting on until the end. No more pain now our baby, find your beloved sister Phoebe over the rainbow bridge. We will miss you today, tomorrow and always.
Mama and Papa. xxx
July 2023

Georgie Isabelle
16/10/2009 – 05/12/2023
Always destined to be my girl, born on my beloved Mum’s birthday just after she passed away, as if Mum had sent her to me to ease my pain.
The most gentle cuddly girl, I will deeply miss my returning home snuggles, your head on my shoulder you would just stay there for the longest time.
A cute little character you were, very sooky and always in the shadow of your sisters, never the top doggy, you knew your place as the youngest girl and last to enter “the pack” but you were happy with that.
We will miss you more than words can say, but we know we did what was best for you, no matter how incredibly difficult it was to let go. Both you and your beloved sister Chloe tried to fight your declining mobility and we are so proud of you both.
It’s time now to cross the rainbow bridge, run free from pain and struggle, find your sisters and be reunited once again. Phoebe is waiting for you too.
Our hearts are broken having lost all 3 of our girls within a year, but we take comfort in knowing they are now at peace. We had a wonderful 14 years with you all, so much love, so many laughs, so much joy in loving you all, you were our family.
Georgie, Chloe and Phoebe, forever in our hearts, today, tomorrow and always. You will never be forgotten.
Mama and Papa. xxx
December 2023

“Some angels don’t have wings, sometimes they have whiskers.”
Neo my beautiful boy “You brought so much happiness, loyalty and comfort into my life.
Your little ears were always the first kindness to catch my tears and you were my four pawed guardian shadow following me everywhere…for that and every little quirky thing you bought to our little family, I will always be so very grateful.
18 years Neo, it’s just been You Me and Trinity – I will miss your padded little paws on my face and your nudging kisses and snuggles and turning around to see you always just a few feet behind me …Sweet dreams my precious boy ”
I’ll meet you at the rainbow bridge . I love you.
Joanna Watts - June 2023

12/08/2011 – 20/07/2023
Clive Blue Ewing: An Ode
Clive, Pickles, Land Seal and C Boy
You were part of us
And we part of you
Vital companions, thick and thin through
Your essence always gave us hope
And helped us both, with life to cope
Your kind eyes spoke of an innocence so true
And helped make our family be and do
One look at you would melt my worries
With garden time mooing while I watched smoking durries
A playful and dear puppy at heart
You’d have us evacuate with a cheeky fart
Lion face with grey muzz
on walk check ins made my heart buzz
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
May you rest well as we will never forget you and the gifts you gave us, as you find a new realm where loving souls live, yet still with us here, always in the foundations of our minds and hearts
Thank you boy, lad, Chappy – May thoughts of you always be happy
Juanita and Eamonn - July 2023

30.11.2010 – 18.02.2023
Our beautiful Jessie, thank you for being the most beautiful, wonderful friend we could ever ask for. All the incredible memories, keep us going.
Wherever you are on the rainbow, your favourite spot is where we see you. We miss you every day, the house is simply not the same without you.
Your resilient beautiful soul always so happy was our blessing. Cuddling and singing to you, “you are my sunshine, you make me happy”! then we would make up words depending on the day! All through your 12 years as you got older and more vocal, you joined in, it was our thing, my sweet girl. Not sure where all the years went, all ways by our side.
Whilst you were being so resilient fighting cancer, we spent our time trying to make you comfortable and loved. We’re thankful we could give you a little bit of peace. The hardest decision we ever had to make, but we knew it was time and thankfully, Dr Patrick helped us, thought of things we did not and for that we will always be grateful. With love and comfort we said our goodbyes, no more in pain my girl.
We miss you everyday Jessie, all the unconditional love you gave, we will love you always!
Val Byrne-Smith - May 2023

Monty stayed with us for 14 years, he was great, we are not a very outdoors kind of family but we love hanging out all together sitting on the couch watching movies, just enjoying being together and relaxing and Monty fit right in, even when the couch was full he would jump up and wedge himself in, we will be finding Monty hair on the furniture for years to come.
We were not ready to lose Monty but he was ready to go and Dr Patrick made everything a little easier. We all felt Dr Patrick was looking after us all and taking charge but only enough to give us all the space and time we needed alone with Monty in his final minutes.
I must say that the candle and flower petals were just magical and we continued to keep the flowers and candle burning until Monty came home.
Thank you so much.
Mandy Mercuri - May 2023

10.10.2013 – 17.03.2023
The most loyal, ball mad, snuggle buddy we could ever ask for. Thank you for all the incredible memories and times we had together. You loved throwing your balls down the park, salmon tail Sundays at the markets, playing with Aleira on the lawn and snuggling Daddy on the couch.
The house is too quiet without the pitter patter of your feet, without the sound of you head butting the gate for your breakfast in the morning or crying because your ball went under the couch again. We are lost without you.
I hope you are with Kyemba, in a place, where there are endless waves for you to chase, crows to bark at and that you always have 2 balls to soccer around.
Rest in peace little man, we love you forever and ever and ever, Mummy, Daddy & Aleira xx
Taylene Perejuan - March 2023

Our beautiful princess passed away peacefully at home. Sari was a lovely sable collie rough and lived to the age of 12 but cancer took over her body.
Dr Patrick is a caring, compassionate Vet and explained everything about the procedure to us along the way and we couldn’t thank him enough as Sari deserved love and dignity which is what she received on the day.
I would like to take this opportunity to highly recommend Dr Patrick if you are looking to have a
euthanasia service performed at home. He helped ease the decision and it was the best way for Sari to be released into another world without suffering. Perhaps she is now playing with her soul mate,
We miss her dearly.
Karen, Murray and Tony (greyhound)
Karen and Murray - May 2023

I just wanted to say a huge heart felt thank you to Dr Patrick for helping my little man on Tuesday.
His illness and passing all occurred within 36 hrs. He went from a healthy little man to a very sick boy.
Not a lot of time to prepare for losing him.
Your reassurance that I was doing the right thing helped my peace of mind and the compassion you showed to Axel and myself will never be forgotten.
Unfortunately, the time will come where I will again require your services and I would not hesitate to recommend you to family and friends.
Thank you again.
Ange and Axie
Angela Whitehead - February 2023

We are so impressed with and grateful to Dr Patrick for his professional, amazingly compassionate, calm and gentle way of guiding us all through the process of saying farewell to our beloved friend and family member of almost 13 years, Bowser.
He was, at all times, totally respectful and mindful of Bower’s wellbeing, making sure he was not stressed or fearful at all while, at the same time, keeping us informed and reassured every step of the way.
It is a day that all pet owners dread but Dr. Patrick helped to make it a peaceful and spiritual end to our amazing friend’s life and a day that we will remember forever. Also I must mention all the little extra things and gestures that are part of this process that mean so much, from the petals to scatter to checking in with us the following day. I cannot say enough about how glad we are to have found Dr Patrick.
Carmen Cowdrey - February 2023

Asha passed away peacefully on December 24th, 2022 after living an amazing life with me, Chris, and her step-sister, Bella (RIP).
She reached the grand age of 17.
Being an indoor/ outdoor cat, she loved heights.
This photo is one of my favorites. She looks so regal, comfortable, and confident. Heavenly.
Asha was my stable force for 15 years. She saved me many times from despair.
Asha then gave all this love and more to her Dad when we chose him. We chose wisely.
She was a truly special soul, always playing, digging, and adventuring.
Yes, she really was a cat, not a dog!
Asha may not be here physically, but her spirit lives on everywhere we are. She still brings balance to me. Sharing our memories of her helps her live on.
We were very blessed and continue to be. Asha was our baby girl and little spud.
RIP, little one.
Love, Mommy Kat and Daddy Chris
Katrina Davy - January 2023

After 14 years and steadily declining health, the day we had always dreaded arrived and we knew it was time to say our final goodbyes to our beloved Monty.
Dr Patrick came to the house and spent time with us and Monty, explaining what would happen and reassuring us in a truly caring and compassionate way, allowing us time to say our final goodbyes and have our last cuddles.
Monty got chocolate treats while Dr Patrick gave his sedation, I think Monty must have felt all his birthdays had come at once and I am sure he will have been happy in the last moments with us before crossing the rainbow bridge.
We miss Monty everyday, life just isn’t the same, but we have so many wonderful memories through the years that can never be taken away.
Run free and rest easy Monty wherever you are. You will always be with us when we sit and watch the sunset on the dunes, when I arrive at work with my pack lunch to find you have been in my bag and stolen it, your sad puppy eyes and ever wagging tail and so much more. Goodnight we love you.
Karen Curtis - January 2023

It is with a heavy and broken heart I say these words. Yesterday I made one of the hardest decisions in my life to put my baby girl Roxy to rest yesterday 2.09.22. She went happy and peacefully rested. Roxy was such a beautiful soul. She was gentle, loving and always there for you. Happy or sad. She loved everyone and made you feel loved. She was my shadow, my best friend, my soul, my companion not to mention my best mate and my family. She took me through some tough times in life and she made me feel so safe and I was never alone. Without her I feel lost and empty. Roxy and I have been everywhere together. I love her unconditionally and with all of me. My heart is broken without her by my side, following in the dark and in the light, cuddling me at night. She was just perfect. She had moments where she was cheeky when she was younger. She stole bread, chicken wings and lollies from the counter, feeling sorry for herself afterwards. She helped me train and be there for other dogs and animals, gave them comfort and showed them the way. She was gentle with Melyah and Arie. She protected them when they slept as babies. She looked after Jenny-Ann when she was pregnant and at home with them as babies. Telling her they’re awake or they needed her. There’s now a huge hole where she used to be. She is missed so much. If you know myself and Roxy you knew our bond and relationship. She could read me so well, as I could her. She slept by me, followed me to the ends of the earth, even when she was in pain, she looked for me, followed and sat with me. Just wanting my company and for me to cuddle with her. That’s love and that was just her. Where I was, she was. We couldn’t be without each other. I will miss her forever and hold a special place in heart for her. I will never forget what she did for me. She was just one of a kind. We Love you Roxy for ever and ever. I can feel you here with me. Rest in peace Roxy baby xx ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Teena Smith - September 2022
To Our Precious Angel,
Phoebe Scarlett,
You have given us 14yrs of love, joy and happiness having you in our family.
We have loved you every day and we will miss you everyday.
We loved your unique personality and inquisitive adventurous nature, you have shown us miracles and plenty of mischief, we will deeply miss your happy go lucky spirit in our lives.
Our hearts are broken having to say goodbye to you, our beautiful girl, but we want you to be free from pain and discomfort and to run free on the other side of the rainbow bridge with all your doggie friends.
We will never forget you, you will always be by our side and forever in our hearts.
We love you, today, tomorrow and always.
Mama and Papa.
Yvonne Johnson - January 2023

Richard and I want to thank you for helping us to give our beloved Douglas a kind, gentle and compassionate end.
He was our world and we miss him.
Dr Patrick, you made a very difficult decision so much easier to deal with. We have found great comfort in our last moments with Dougie, knowing that it was stress free and peaceful.
We can’t thank you enough and would strongly recommend your service to anyone having to face this.
Richard and Clare Jackson - September 2022

Baxter here. But this post isn’t about me today…
Today I sniffed Charlie’s bum and nuzzled his furry face for the last time. My humans held us both close – they said it was to make sure we felt safe and loved but I think it might have been to help them feel safe and loved too.
Charlie was my favourite tiny unique bundle of farty fluff. For one so small, the sum of his parts was huge – part grumpy old man, part playful puppy, part neurotic oddball and part fiercely protective companion. The space he’s leaving behind is so much bigger than any other dog whose bum I’ve had the pleasure of sniffing.
If I miss him even a fraction of how much my humans will miss him, it’s still a whole lotta missing! I think I’m going to demand some extra cuddle nuzzles from humans tonight…
Baxter the Corgi - September 2022

Maddii & Maxine - July 2022


Tracy-Anne Hamilton - August 2022

Our little Jack Russell – Roley gave us 17 years of his life. They were wonderful happy years full of excitement and adventures. Roleys little body gave as much as it could until it could give no more. I contacted Dr Patrick and asked if he could visit our home to help Roley make his way over rainbow bridge. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make but Dr Patrick was so caring and compassionate, he really looked after our little man and allowed us as much time as we needed to say our final goodbyes. 😢 🐶
Thank you Dr Patrick I will never forget your kindness ♥️
17 year old Jack Russell - January 2022

See me in a raindrop – as it splashes upon a surface Feel me in the warmth of rays upon Your face I am there – when a leaf moves in the breeze – in the perfume of a flower As the colours of Our journey – in the moving spectrum of sunlight – seen through Your half closed eyes – My Soul lives – touching Yours forever
Footprints are not always easily seen – but they are there soft and dry on the floor beside Your feet My warm breath still touches Your skin Feel My head in the crevice of Your neck I am happy to know You are safe – say ‘Hello’ to Me with Your voice
I am peaceful in My Love for You On Our journey together – we live through all the colours of a rainbow – I am there as a Violet within Your Soul
A rainbow tells You of a promise It will appear when You least expect When the sunlight catches colours after the rain Through Our Love – know My Soul lives with Yours forever
I do not need an Earthly thing I live in Your heart where Our memories sing Love the places where You know You can always find Me – One of them is Your heart
In a quiet moment – sit – walk – share Our times together Talk to Me – see Me in a leaf as it catches the breeze I run as the wind in the branches
I stay – with My Soul touching Yours – Forever