Will My Cat Grieve the Loss of My Other Cat
The death of a cat companion has a profound impact on a household – grieving humans, changes of routine and the absence of a familiar part of the social unit.

Signs to look out for:
If your remaining cat shows any reaction, you may see these three stages:-
Stage 1: The first is relatively short-term and manifests itself in excessive vocalising, pacing and searching. This appears to be an active phase as the cat attempts to find the missing individual. Cats may be observed looking out of windows or sniffing while going from room to room.
Stage 2: The second stage is a more passive one where the cat becomes withdrawn and inactive. Some more sensitive breeds like the Siamese and Burmese may lose their appetite and appear quite unwell for several weeks during this part of the process, often needing veterinary intervention to stimulate a return to normal eating habits.
Stage 3: Acceptance. This often heralds a period of transition as it is commonly reported that permanent “character changes” become evident at this time. Some cats will become more friendly and attentive towards their owners.
If your cat has stopped eating or is showing any signs of illness then you should contact your veterinarian. It would be wrong to assume that any signs are purely due to emotional causes.
How can I help my cat through the grieving process
Maintain the general routines of the household as much as possible; predictability is important at any time but particularly so now. Don’t be too hasty in removing the deceased cat’s favourite bedding and other personal effects. The gradually fading scent will confirm that they are no longer around.
(Source: International Cat Care)